Latest Embassy News


The XXXVII International Summer Camp of the Order Malta

"Follow me, I will make you fishers of men" (Mt 4:19).


Health care support and rehabilitation to children with neurological disabilities and behavioural disorders

Eleven years after the beginning of the Syrian crisis, more than 5 million Syrian Refugees are still displaced in Jordan.


Supporting Iraqi Refugees with empowerment and livelihood skills

The Sovereign Order of Malta Jordan developed, in partnership with The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Our Lady of Peace Center and Caritas Jordan, a livelihoods project aimed at enhancing the resilience of Iraqi Refugees during their displacement in Jordan.

International news


Order of Malta’s 2nd Conference dedicated to African Diplomatic Corps

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s second conference dedicated to the African Diplomatic Corps was held in Rome on 11 September, at the Magistral Villa, the Order’s seat of government. Some…


Interview with the Grand Master on the 30th Anniversary of the Order of Malta as a Permanent Observer at the United Nations – Featured in UNToday Magazine

On August 30, 1994, the Sovereign Order of Malta was granted Permanent Observer status at the United Nations through a resolution adopted by the General Assembly. Nearly three decades later,…


39th International Summer Camp for disabled young people concluded successfully

The 39th International Summer Camp for disabled young people was warmly hosted by Switzerland and Liechtenstein from August 11 to 18. The event brought together 514 participants from around the…