Eleven years after the beginning of the Syrian crisis, more than 5 million Syrian Refugees are still displaced in Jordan and in other neighbouring Countries. Since 2011, Jordan alone has been providing shelter to more than 1.3 million Syrians, including 655,500 officially registered Refugees who are in increasingly vulnerable circumstances as their savings, assets, and resources.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, troughs its diplomatic – SMOM Embassy to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and operative Forces – Italian Relief Corp of the Order of Malta – CISOM and the National Association of the Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – ACISMOM realized a partnership with the OLOP – Our Lady of Peace Center to empower the medical responsiveness of four areas of the Country – Amman, Anjara, Aqaba and Zarqa, meeting the targets set by the MoE Plan.
Through the participation of expat high specialized medical personnel, the project is enhancing medical capabilities and specific diagnostic tools for paediatric neurological and neuro-rehabilitative issues and it is strengthening the capacity of the technical laboratory of the Centre providing innovative prosthetics and orthotics, catalogued and reorganized during the first project mission.
Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta
Order of St John of Jerusalem of
Rhodes and of Malta