

The XXXVII International Summer Camp of the Order Malta

"Follow me, I will make you fishers of men" (Mt 4:19).


Health care support and rehabilitation to children with neurological disabilities and behavioural disorders

Eleven years after the beginning of the Syrian crisis, more than 5 million Syrian Refugees are still displaced in Jordan.


Supporting Iraqi Refugees with empowerment and livelihood skills

The Sovereign Order of Malta Jordan developed, in partnership with The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Our Lady of Peace Center and Caritas Jordan, a livelihoods project aimed at enhancing the resilience of Iraqi Refugees during their displacement in Jordan.


The Holy Mass for the new Latin Patriarchal Vicar of Jordan H. E. Bishop Jamal Khedr

The Ambassador Lorenzo Borghese joined in prayer the Holy Mass held at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Amman for H.E. Bishop Jamal Khedr Latin Patriarchal Vicar of Jordan.


Order of Malta Jordan for the Act of Consacration to the Immaculata Heart of Mary

The Ambassador of the Order of Malta along with many other diplomatic representatives joined in prayer the Holy Mass presided by Bishop Jamal Khader Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan consecrating Russia and Ukraine to the heart of the “Holy Mary”.


Order’s Mobile Medical Unit fully operative in Jordan

The Order of Malta in Jordan since December 2021 operates a Mobile Medical Unit that targets the central and northern regions of Jordan.


Statement by Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

The First Trafficking in Persons Awareness Raising Workshop for the Governors of Jordan; Identifying Potential Victims of Trafficking Among Refugees in Jordan.


Attending an Ordination in Syria

The Order of Malta through Malteser International operates and supports five hospitals and eight primary healthcare centres in the Aleppo and Idlib regions.


Reception celebrating the Programs for disabled children and Blessing of the New Medical Mobile Unit

At the presence of the Latin Patriarchal Vicar of Jordan mons. Jamal Khedr, the inauguration day was held to present the first project "Healthcare and Rehabilitation for Children with Neurological Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders".