
Supporting Iraqi Refugees with empowerment and livelihood skills

Supporting Iraqi Refugees with empowerment and livelihood skills

The Sovereign Order of Malta Jordan developed, in partnership with The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Our Lady of Peace Center and Caritas Jordan, a livelihoods project aimed at enhancing the resilience of Iraqi Refugees during their displacement in Jordan.

The Stakeholders involved in the activities believe that if Iraqi Refugees have access to cash for work service that enable them to gain marketable employment skills and make them more self-resilient, then they will have increased ability to meet their basic needs and better cope with their displacement.

The Order of Malta Jordan is empowering the Garden of OLPC, a green space where there have been implemented 4 business workshops (agriculture, wood-upcycling, olive oil soap manufacturing, and chocolate production introducing a cash-for-work approach to Iraqis, as they will receive on-site practical and technical support to develop their capacities in one or more businesses.

This project contributes – for 1 year – to provide multi-sectorial support to refugees to live with dignity and security in Jordan, demonstrating enhanced resilience during their displacement.

The program is equipping Refugees with the necessary tools for Income Generating Activities (IGAs) and is providing a suitable environment for transferring knowledge, capacities and best practices.

During the day dedicated to His Excellency Bishop Jamal Khedr introduction, H.E. Ambassador Leonardo Visconti di Modrone, Secretary General to the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre visited the Center and remembered the importance of livelihoods projects that are useful in meeting basic needs for enhancing income and allow Refugees to a healthier life being.